Coding Quiz
This project was undertaken to create a site to give the user an experience of taking a quiz of several questions. In which completing the quiz it would tell the user if the answer was correct or incorrect. If incorrect the quiz then would give the correct answer and move to the next question. Upon completion the user would be given their score and allow to enter their name in the high scores table.

Workday Scheduler
This project was undertaken to create a site to give the user an application where they could create a hourly scheduler to plot out their activities for the current day. It generates working hours from 6:00 am through 6:00 pm along with input boxes to enter that time slot's activity. Then it gives the user the option to save the activity in local storage so when they refresh the site it will be retained. Also the site color codes the hour time slots by past, current and future.

Weather Dashboard
This project was undertaken to create a site to give the user an experience finding the current weather conditions for a specific city. In which completing the quiz it would tell the user if the answer was correct or incorrect. If incorrect the quiz then would give the correct answer and move to the next question. Upon completion the user would be given their score and allow to enter their name in the high scores table.

Brew Hopper
This project was undertaken to create a site to give the user an experience of getting their location and then generating a search radius. The application then pulls up a list of all the local breweries in that search radius and allows the user to pick out a variety and put their location on the map and generates the fastest routes to those breweries.